Healthcare & Hospitality Providers

Healthcare & Hospitality Providers is a tourism industry company, specifically engaged in tourist accommodations based in Ustroń.

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The client had many issues related to creating a landing page. One of the main challenges was creating a pixel-perfect view of the page while maintaining the aesthetics and functionality of the website. The client also required a responsive website that would perform well on different devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones.

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The designers from Publicon and programmers from Soft Gorillas worked together on appropriate color schemes, typography, page layouts, and functionalities such as contact forms, photo galleries, and descriptions of offers to ensure that each element of the website was both aesthetic and functional. The designers and programmers tested the appearance and functionality on various devices to ensure that the website displayed correctly on all devices.

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Why us?

The client expressed interest in our company due to our ability to build websites in a functional and aesthetic way.

Further cooperation

Development of subsequent tourism projects and websites.

New possibilities

Thanks to the creation of a modern and attractive landing page that effectively attracts and encourages customers to make reservations, the company has increased sales of its services and improved its image in the market.