The platform was designed based on a content management system, which enabled easy dissemination of information about the program and projects by administrators. The platform includes subpages dedicated to news, information about grants, grant recipients, content search, newsletter subscription, and integration with social media to reach a wide audience. The main goal was to enable voting for selected youth initiatives and to provide information about grants by participants. Additionally, the platform allows for the placement of various content, such as photos, videos, or texts, as part of participation in contests or project presentations. The graphic style was intended to reflect the Warmia and Masuria brand, combining the region's colors: yellow, green, and blue.
The platform has been designed with three target groups in mind:
a) Users - guests - have the opportunity to actively participate in the voting process for the best initiatives and explore the platform.
b) User grant recipients have access to user account functionality. Additionally, they are provided with the ability to add information about grants and events related to their own projects.
c) Site administrators can manage the entire platform range, providing information and accepting grant applications, adding contests, content, events, and grant recipients. Additionally, administrators have the ability to report voting results in CSV or Excel format.
All of these features are available in accordance with accessibility guidelines, meeting WCAG 2.1 AA standards to ensure easy access for individuals with various needs. As a result of this solution, grant recipients can effectively exchange information and experiences, making the platform a central point of communication and collaboration within the program.
Meeting the project requirements, Softgorillas took on the challenge of creating a web platform adopting a holistic approach based on modern technologies and standards. This encompassed every stage of UX and UI, ensuring responsiveness, speed, and compatibility with various browsers. The web platform was developed using a content management system (CMS) such as Wordpress, operating in a PHP environment and collaborating with an open-source database. Users have the ability to independently update the platform, including content editing, adding multimedia, creating subpages, and uploading downloadable files.