Blog Soft Gorillas

9 May 2023

43. Laravel backend or frontend

As a backend web application framework, Laravel is mostly used to develop the server-side logic and functionality of a web application.

In a normal online application, the frontend is in charge of handling user interactions and displaying the user interface, whereas the backend is in charge of managing data, handling requests, and providing an API that the frontend may use. Laravel is largely used to create a web application’s backend, which contains features like:

∙Handling HTTP requests and routing

∙Interacting with databases using the Eloquent ORM

∙Implementing user authentication and authorization

∙Handling data validation and error handling

∙Performing background tasks using queues and jobs

∙Building APIs

In addition, Laravel offers a built-in templating engine called Blade that can be used to generate views that may be used in many areas of your application and incorporate dynamic data.

However, it lacks the strength of a frontend framework like Vue.js or React.

In conclusion, Laravel is a backend web application framework, which means it’s mostly used for developing the server-side logic and functionality of a web site, managing data, fulfilling requests, and offering an API that the frontend may use. Although it has an integrated templating engine, a frontend framework is more potent.


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