Blog Soft Gorillas

8 May 2023

72. Shopify vs Presta

Popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify and PrestaShop can be used to set up and run an online store. The two systems do differ in several significant ways, though.

Shopify is a proprietary cloud-based platform with an intuitive user interface that is well-known for being simple to use. There are several pre-designed templates to select from, and setting it up is simple. It is a fully hosted solution, thus Shopify handles hosting, security, and upkeep. Beginners and small to medium-sized organizations might consider it.

PrestaShop, on the other hand, is a free to download and use open-source e-commerce platform.

Because it’s a self-hosted platform, you’ll have to take care of hosting and maintenance by yourself. The platform is built on PHP, takes more technical expertise to modify and set up, and has a steeper learning curve than Shopify, but it offers more customization and extension freedom. It’s a superior option for folks with technical know-how or for those who want a lot of control over how their online business looks and operates.

Both platforms can scale to grow with your company, however Shopify Plus plans can handle more traffic and sales volume than standard Shopify subscriptions.

In conclusion, PrestaShop is preferable for companies searching for a free, open-source platform with greater customization possibilities and control, whilst Shopify is a wonderful choice for small businesses looking for an easy-to-use, all-in-one solution.


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