Although Vue.js is generally used for creating user interfaces and front-end logic, Nuxt.js allows it to be utilized on the back-end. You may construct server-rendered Vue.js applications using the Nuxt.js framework, which is built on top of Vue.js. It offers a set of capabilities that are helpful for developing universal or server-rendered Vue.js apps while abstracting away the intricate settings and setup necessary for server rendering.
Nuxt.js provides a number of features out of the box such as:
∙Server-side rendering (SSR)
∙Automatic code splitting
∙Server-side rendering of Vuex store
∙Routing with Vue-router
∙Asynchronous data handling
∙Hot-reloading in development
∙ES6/ES7 transpilation
∙Pre-processing CSS with PostCSS or Sass
∙Optimizing images and other assets
To construct the backend, you may also combine Vue.js with other frameworks like Express.js, koa.js, and hapi.js.
It’s important to keep in mind that while Vue.js and Nuxt.js are capable of being used for backend development, they lack the strength and feature-richness of more established backend frameworks like Node.js, Ruby on Rails, or Django. It’s usually advisable to utilize a more well-known back-end framework if you need to create a sizable, complex back-end application.