Blog Soft Gorillas

9 May 2023

34. Vue.js is component

Yes, components are the foundation upon which Vue.js is constructed. A Vue.js component is a piece of reusable code that defines a particular user interface element, such as a button, a form, or a navigation menu.

In Vue.js, components are made up of a template, which specifies the component’s HTML structure, a script, which specifies its JavaScript functionality, and a style, which specifies its CSS styling.

The Vue.component() method in Vue.js is used to define components. It accepts an object that specifies the component’s properties, methods, and lifecycle hooks as an argument.

Data, calculated properties, and methods can all be unique to each component. Props and events can be used by Vue.js to interact between components. Data is passed between parent and child components using props, and between child and parent components using events.

Vue.js apps are built using components, which give developers the ability to design intricate, modular user interfaces. They may be merged, reused, and nested to create whole applications.

In conclusion, Vue.js components are the basic building blocks of the framework and they enable programmers to write modular, reusable code.


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