Blog Soft Gorillas

9 May 2023

32. Vue.js vs react

Popular JavaScript libraries for creating user interfaces include Vue.js and React. They share some characteristics, yet they also differ significantly.


∙Both are open-source and actively maintained

∙Both provide a component-based architecture for building UI

∙Both provide a virtual DOM for efficient updates


∙Vue.js is a more lightweight and flexible library, with a simpler learning curve. React is more

powerful and has a steeper learning curve, but also more complexity.

∙Vue.js has a built-in template engine and supports a template-based syntax, while React uses

JSX, which is a syntax extension for JavaScript.

∙React has a stronger ecosystem and community, with a wider range of third-party libraries

and tools available.

∙React is developed and maintained by Facebook, while Vue.js is developed by an

independent developer and maintained by a group of volunteer contributors.

The decision between Vue.js and React ultimately comes down to the particular requirements of your project as well as the expertise and preferences of your team. Before choosing a choice, it is important to weigh both of its benefits and drawbacks.


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