Blog Soft Gorillas

9 May 2023

49. What is laravel

A PHP web application framework with expressive and beautiful syntax is called Laravel. It is intended to simplify the implementation of routine web development tasks including routing, authentication, and caching.

It is simple to use and maintain because it is constructed using current PHP features. The routing, middleware, controllers, blade templating engine, eloquent ORM, and other features of Laravel are just a few examples.

Additionally, it offers built-in assistance for typical activities like managing HTTP requests, caching, and user authentication. Furthermore, a sizable and engaged developer community actively participates in the framework’s development, so new features and bug fixes are frequently added. In addition, a plethora of information is readily available online. A wide variety of online applications, including e-commerce websites, content management systems, community and forum platforms, job portals, CRM and project management systems, social networking platforms, and many more, may be created with Laravel.


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