Blog Soft Gorillas

11 May 2023

20. Which symfony version

The most recent stable Symfony version is 6.0. On November 30, 2021, this version was made available. It has a number of new features and enhancements, including:

Performance improvements are included in Symfony 6, including a new auto wiring architecture that enables quicker service instantiation and enhanced routing performance.

Better developer experience: Symfony 6 comes with a number of new developer tools, including an improved error handler, a new profiler, and a debugging toolbar.

Improved security features include support for the most recent security standards, including PSR-15 middleware and PSR-18 HTTP clients, in Symfony 6.

Components that have been improved: Twig, Doctrine, and MakerBundle are just a few of the well-liked Symfony components that have been enhanced in Symfony 6.

Upgrading from earlier versions may necessitate more work to update the codebase because Symfony 6 is a large release and contains breaking changes.

It’s vital to remember that Symfony routinely releases new versions and continually adds new features and improvements. The official Symfony website should always be checked for the most recent version information and upgrade instructions.


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