Blog Soft Gorillas

22 December 2022
4 min read

Nuxt 2 – how is it different from Vue.js?

Nuxt 2

Nuxt.js is a framework built upon frontend framework Vue.js. It has been created after Vue.js, so it has additional features that simplify developer work. Is it better development tool than Vue.js? How to use it? Check out the benefits of using Nuxt 2.

What is Nuxt.js?

Nuxt.js is considered to be one of the most intuitive Vue frameworks. It provides developers with the features of Vue.js and server-side rendering. That means, that you can use it to create various complete applications with Nuxt and its following versions (Nuxt 2 and Nuxt 3).

It is recommended especially, if there are some specific functionalities you’d like to implement in the application. Nuxt also comes with some additional solutions that improve the efficiency of work on some projects.

What is special about Nuxt 2 and what are its advantages over Vue.js?

Nuxt server-side rendering significantly improves SEO of a digital product. It can be used with it or just as a client-side framework for building Single Page Applications (SPAs).

It speeds up the development process with features such as:

  • auto-generic router,
  • publish share options,
  • additional configuration options,
  • automatic code splitting with pre-rendered pages,
  • efficient methods for adding meta tags
  • pre-processors: Sass, Less, Stylus, etc. ,
  • Static File Serving.

Nuxt 2 came with new tools and features that make development easier, such as for example:

  • create-nuxt-app – it delivers templates (starter template, express template etc.) for quicker development,
  • Webpack 4 and Babel 7 – Nuxt 2 provide developers with tools that improve boot-up time and speed up re-compilation.

Those are, of course, just some improvements. Additionally, Nuxt 2 handles errors better than its previous version if the specified plugin isn’t found. There are many changes and you should simply try it for yourself, to see all the differences, that can make your work more efficient.

Comparing Vue to Nuxt – what projects can be carried out with Nuxt 2?

Vue.js is a great choice for developing SPA that is not going to be complex. It is better for websites that don’t need proper search engine optimization.

Vue should be a good choice, when you are carrying out the project that requires TypeScript support. Vue 3 was released with it, while Nuxt.js has rather poor support TypeScript support.

Nuxt 2 enables developers to build many digital products:

  • client-side rendering applications,
  • static generated applications,
  • monolith applications,
  • single page applications.

This framework can be leveraged to create even complex apps – Nuxt.js provides you with enterprise-ready frontend development architecture on top of which, you can build applications with all features your clients may need.

If you’d like to leverage Nuxt 2 in your project, but you need experienced developers to assist you, contact us. We are happy to collaborate on interesting projects.


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