Blog Soft Gorillas

21 July 2023
4 min read

Reasons to Choose React JS for Your Project


Let’s face it. The eco-system of front-end development is continuously evolving. Now, when it comes to front-end development, we have observed that Angular is the default choice among business owners who want to take their business online. However, there is another framework called React JS that has been breaking records in the space. React JS is basically a JavaScript library built and maintained by Facebook. According to the creator of React JS, Jordan Walke, React is an efficient, declarative, and flexible open-source JavaScript library for building simple, fast, and scalable frontends of web applications. Ever since its launch, it has taken the front-end development space by storm.

The Benefits of React JS

React JS offers tons of benefits. Let’s see the key benefits of React JS to understand why it stands out from other front-end development frameworks.

Boosts Speed

React basically allows developers to utilize individual parts of their application on both the client-side and the server-side, which ultimately boosts the speed of the application. In simple terms, different developers can write individual parts and all changes made won’t cause the logic of the application. Compared to other frontend frameworks, the React code is easier to maintain and is flexible due to its modular structure. This flexibility, in turn, saves a huge amount of time and cost to businesses.

High Performance

React JS was designed to provide high performance in mind. The core of the framework offers a virtual DOM program and server-side rendering, which makes complex apps run extremely fast. Deploying React is fairly easy to accomplish if you have some basic knowledge of JavaScript. In fact, an expert JavaScript developer can easily learn all ins and outs of the React framework in a matter of a day or two.

Component Reusability

One of the main benefits of using React JS is its potential to reuse components. It saves time for developers as they don’t have to write various codes for the same features. Furthermore, if any changes are made in any particular part, it will not affect other parts of the application.

Mobile App Development

If you thought React is for web development only, you could not be more wrong! Facebook has already upgraded the framework for developing mobile native applications for both iOS and Android.

SEO Optimization

For any online business, search engine optimization is the gateway to success. The faster the page load time and the faster the rendering speed, the higher an app will rank on Google. Thanks to the fast rendering, React, compared to other frameworks, significantly reduces the page load time, which greatly helps businesses in securing the first rank on Google Search Engine Result Page.

Reasons to Choose React JS for Your Project

Now that you know the key benefits of the React framework, let’s move forward and also check out the top reasons to choose React JS for your next project. If you have already heard about React but you’re still not sure whether to use it in your project or not, this post will help. Below we mention the top reasons why React JS can be the best framework for your project.

Easy to Learn

React, compared to other popular frontend frameworks like Angular and Vue.js, is much easier to learn. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons why React gained so much traction in little time. It helps businesses quickly build their projects.

Rich User Interfaces

Today, the quality of the user interface in an application plays an important role. If the user interface is poorly designed, then it lowers the chances of an application to succeed. But, if an application has a high-quality UI, then there are better chances that your users will love to use the app. Therefore, building rich user interfaces is sort of necessary for an application to survive and thrive. The good news is, React allows building such high-quality, rich user interfaces through its declarative components.

JSX for Component Creation

React comes with JSX, an optional syntax extension, which makes it possible to write your own components. These components basically accept HTML quoting and also makes all subcomponent rendering a delightful experience for developers. JSX has already become a popular choice for writing custom components, building high-volume applications, and converting HTML mockups into ReactElement trees.

Component Reusability

Frequent updates often turn into headaches when an app has a complex logic and when a single modification in one component can dramatically affect other components. But, to combat this problem, Facebook has amplified React with the component reusability feature. Component reusability in React basically allows developers to redeploy the same digital objects. This approach provides better code maintenance and growth as each component in React has its own internal logic, which is easy to manipulate and as a result, boosts the productivity of application development.

Virtual DOM for Performance Optimization

When you’re building a complex, high-load app, it becomes mandatory to define the structure of the app in the beginning since it can impact the performance of your app. To solve this, Facebook has introduced a virtual DOM feature. Virtual DOM, as the name suggests, is the virtual representation of DOM that allows testing all changes to the virtual DOM first to calculate risks with each modification. This approach helps to maintain high app performance and guarantees a better user experience.

Strong Community Support

Like Angular, React also has very strong community support, which is one of the main reasons to adopt React JS in your project. Every day, a large number of individual React developers are contributing towards making React a better frontend framework. Currently, React JS has attained over 142,000 stars on GitHub and 1,331 regular contributors. Not only that, but experts are also regularly uploading free React tutorials on Youtube and writing in-depth React tutorial articles & blogs on the internet. For instance, a simple “free React tutorial” search on Google gives 13,00,00,000 results. Apart from this, React experts are also regularly solving doubts on QA sites like Stack Overflow and Quora, meaning if you ever get stuck while using React, you can always get reliable solutions given by experts.

Downward Data Flow

React follows downward data flow to ensure that the parent structure doesn’t get affected by any modifications in its child structure. So, whenever a developer makes changes in an object, he or she only needs to modify its states and make proper amendments. This way only a specific component will be updated. This data flow and structure provide better code stability and smooth performance of the application.

Examples of Successful React Solutions

Still, doubt whether to use React or not? Check out some inspiring examples of React solutions. Thousands of companies, including some Fortune 500 companies, have chosen React JS for their websites and mobile apps. Airbnb, Tesla, Tencent QQ, and Walmart are among the top brands that built their mobile apps using the React Native framework. React web framework, on the other hand, is currently being utilized by famous companies including Netflix, Paypal, NASA, BBC, Lyft, and New York Times to name just a few.

Toolkits and Testing Libraries

In the market, there bunch of toolkits available that can be used to start upper level of development directly as the toolkit contains provides bundle of configuration and code of boilerplate. Some of the popular toolkits available for React include React 360, Jest, story hooks, and many more. React also provides an inbuilt testing library that facilitates the base for testing the react components. Various testing libraries/frameworks are available in the market that supports React and the react structure including API call.

Rich Extensions

React is very rich in terms of not only packages but also with extensions. Extensions make the coding environment comfortable for developers and make it easier to read and understand code. For example, VS Code supports a good number of extensions for React. Another is Chrome browser extension support for tracing components and Redux store.

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